Who says drinking games are just for college kids and frat parties? Admittedly, now that we’re adults, we’ve let the art of imbibing get a little boring. Drinking now might be tossing back a few cocktails during dinner or whiskey on the rocks while working from home after hours. Why, though? Why aren’t we playing Kings with our friends on a Friday night? And there’s no reason we shouldn’t “Ride the Bus” or play Flip Cup with our partner.
Besides, now seems like the best time to bring drinking games back. After all, it’s not like we can go out and chase down fun in all the usual ways (thanks again, COVID-19). While the drinking games with cards we’ve included here might only work well in person with people in your pod or “core four,” that doesn’t mean all social drinking is out. You could easily fire up a Zoom meeting with your pals and play a game of Truth or Drink.
So, the next time you order groceries, order up some Blue Ribbon or Fireball. Then set out on an endeavor to bring drinking games back to your life as a grown-up.
Adult Drinking Games With Cards
1. Pyramid or Beeramid
Pyramid is the ultimate BSing card game. First, you set up a “pyramid” by placing cards face down: six cards on the bottom row, five on the next, then four, three, two, and one card on the top row. Afterward, the dealer deals each player three cards. From there, you try to get your friends to drink based on what cards they think you have.
2. Horse Race
Like betting but don’t want to waste alcohol money on a horse race? In this drinking game, you bet using drinks instead of money and each ace card is a “horse.” The best part: Literally no skill is required. It’s all left to chance.
3. Ride The Bus/Around The World
The best way to describe Ride the Bus? It’s kinda like drunken Uno. The object of the game is to get rid of your cards.
4. Kings
In this game of chance, how much you drink depends entirely on the cards you draw. Many cards (especially face cards) have rules unique to each friend group, family, or gaming establishment. We love it because it’s your chance to personalize it based on your friends and setting.
Drinking Games For 2+ Adults
5. Beer Pong
Beer Pong is probably the drinking game that requires the most skill and coordination. It’s also absolutely the most popular game played at frat and sorority parties. But, who says you can’t play it on your wife’s farmhouse dining room table?!
6. Flip Cup
The only game as popular as beer pong at frat parties is Flip Cup. Setup is cheap: Some disposable cups and whatever you want to drink, even Natty Lite. And the object of the game is simply to flip cups and get drunk.
7. Quarters
You may have played quarters at a college party back in the day, too. But you don’t have to have a big group in order to play. As a matter of fact, sitting at a table and bouncing quarters with just your best bro or lady is equally chill and fun.
8. Drunk Jenga
Drunk Jenga is another game that’s easy to play as a pair. And it only gets more fun the more you drink.
Drinking Games For 3+ Adults
9. Fingers/Finger Spoof
If we’re being real, Fingers is a little iffy as far as sanitation goes. After all, the game is played by everyone putting their fingers on the rim of the glass and betting how many people will drink. That’s a lot of fingers where your mouth will go. You do you, though. After all, drinking games and questionable behavior sort of go hand-in-hand (or, in this case, fingers-in-beer).
10. Wizard Staff
Wizard Staff is kinda like Edward Forty-Hands. But in this case, instead of taping your drinks to your hands, you tape them to each other. Each time you crack open a new beer, you tape it to the top of your empty can. The more you drink, the more cans you stack, thus creating a wizard staff. Whose will be the biggest?
11. Never Have I Ever
Never Have I Ever can be played in a pair or in a larger group, but it’s definitely best played with people you know well. The concept is simple. You take turns saying, “Never have I ever…” and following up with something fun or scandalous. (“Never have I ever gotten so drunk that I puked” or “Never have I ever cheated on someone.”) Anyone who has done that thing takes a drink.
12. Truth or Drink
Truth or Drink is very similar to Never Have I Ever. In this game, though, one person poses a question and players either answer or — you guessed it — drink. There’s an actual game you can buy, but you can easily DIY it by writing questions on index cards or simply pulling them from thin air.
13. No Hand Flip Cup
We all remember flip cup from our old college days, but have you ever played it without using your hands? Instead, players must drink and flip their cup upside down using only their mouths. Good luck!
14. Mr. Freeze
Mr. Freeze is probably the messiest game of freeze tag you will ever play. At the beginning of the game, one person is named Mr. Freeze. When that person freezes, everyone else must stand still as well. The last person to freeze must take a shot. To avoid getting blackout drunk, pay attention.
15. Russian Roulette
This game does not require a pistol but is just as exciting! To play, you’re going to need six shot glasses, playing cards, dice, and a bottle of vodka, tequila, or any clear liquor. Fill one or two glasses with liquor and the rest with water. Make sure you mix them up so no one knows which glass is which. Layout six cards numbered one through six. Place a glass on each playing card. When you roll the die, whichever number it lands on is the glass you drink. If a number was already picked, roll again until you get a number that’s there.
16. Straight Face
When you’re drunk, being serious is hard. In this game, everyone writes a funny or inappropriate sentence on a piece of paper. Then each player places their note into a hat. Each player takes turns picking a funny line out of the hat, and anyone who laughs or smiles must take a shot.
17. Pennies
Have you ever tried throwing a penny into a shot glass? It’s pretty darn hard, and that’s the point. Everyone must take turns bouncing or tossing the penny into the tiny cup. If you miss, surprise! You drink. If you get one in, pick someone to take a shot.