Bowling may feel like just a chunk of your childhood — a fun thing you did at some birthday parties or a boring league night with your parents every week — but bowling is actually much, much older than you or your parents. It’s believed that the original iterations of bowling existed as far back as 3200 BC. At least that’s around the age of a child’s grave that was unearthed and found to contain the first known balls and pins. If it feels like it’s been 3200 years since you stepped foot in one of the giant, dimly fluorescent-lit lanes of your youth, you might not remember all the details. Do you know, for sure, what kind of bowling you’ve signed up to play? And do you remember these bowling rules? We’re here to walk you through the whole thing, so you can stroll in with the same excitement and determination you did on the night of Megan’s 12th birthday party at Crossgate Lanes.
Over the centuries, bowling has, of course, evolved. In Germany, bowling was so popular among the gambling kind at one point that the government passed laws regarding how much money you could bet on a yard game. (We imagine they did this to cut down on how often bowling games led to fisticuffs.) Over time, it evolved more and began to look entirely different from the games played across Europe. In fact, things took a decidedly uppity turn when none other than Henry VIII banned the lower class from bowling and imposed hefty levies on private lanes. Of course, even Henry VIII’s game was significantly different from what we play today — primarily because they still bowled outside. And it wasn’t until 1511 that Martin Luther set a rule on the exact number of pins needed to play. As bowling evolved further, different parts of the world began putting their tweaks on the game.
Historians believe the first indoor bowling lanes opened in New York during the mid-1800s, and only then did bowling truly start to look like the game we play today. So, while an evening in a bowling alley now might feel a bit different than it did in your childhood, good “old-fashioned” 10-pin bowling is still played the same way it has been for many, many years. Keep reading for a quick (but thorough) refresher.
Types of Bowling
Did you know there are five different types of bowling? While most alleys specialize in the typical “10-pin” bowling game, there are a few other variations, too.
This is the bowling game you probably grew up playing. You throw your ball and try to knock down all 10 curvy pins.
Candlepin bowling is, well, weirder. The balls are even smaller, and the pins are long and narrow like candles. You’ll roll three times to try to knock over as many as you can. Fair warning: The candlepins are much harder to knock over than a standard pin.
This set-up is very similar to 10-pin — except, once again, the pins are shaped differently. These pins are curvy, like in regular bowling, but much squattier. The balls are similar in size to Candlepin balls.
Kegel bowling is wildly different from 10-pin bowling. When playing 9-pin bowling, you play in teams on which you all work to take down the same pins. Another twist? There’s no resetting the pins between bowlers.
This version is prevalent in Canada, where they use smaller balls to knock down the five pins arranged in a V shape. And to add to the confusion, each pin has a different point value.
Bowling Rules
Since 10-pin bowling is the most popular and widely played, we’re going to focus on that. These are the most important rules you need to keep in mind when bowling. Of course, if you’re playing with friends, some people might not be as inclined to stick to the rules as others. Just remember it’s a game, Big Lebowski — you’re there to have fun.
1. Beware the Foul Line
When playing a casual game, people might not take this too seriously. However, the foul line is critical when playing in a league because it comes into play for two fundamental rules. First, you should release your ball before the foul line, not past it. Second, your body shouldn’t cross the foul line either. In serious bowling games, traveling across the foul line with your foot or with your ball still in hand would disqualify any points you earn during that throw.
2. Balls That Gutter Don’t Count
You already know that if your ball ends up in the gutter, you’re losing that throw and not scoring any points. But what if it rolls into the gutter and then bounces back out? Most leagues will tell you that your roll doesn’t count, along with any pins your ball might have knocked over. They’ll adjust the score manually.
3. No Ball Changes Mid-Game
Ever pick a ball, roll a few frames, and then decide to switch to something lighter or heavier? While this is fine when you’re just playing with the fam, it’s not allowed in a league. Proper bowling rules state that you must use the same ball for the entirety of your game. (You can switch between games, however.)
4. Two Throws Max Per Frame for the First 9 Frames
A strike comes when you throw the ball and knock over all 10 pins on the first throw. You don’t get to throw the ball a second time then, obviously. A spare is when you knock over some pins on your first throw and knock over the rest on your second throw. If you leave any pins after your second throw, you have an “open frame” and don’t get as many points.
5. 300 Points Is the Pinnacle
The “two throw max” rule gets complicated during the 10th frame. If you score a strike in every frame, you get a bonus throw in the last frame. If you get a strike or a spare on the tenth frame, you get a “third ball” or a third throw and a chance to get yet another strike. Getting all strikes for all these throws? That’ll get you a “perfect game” of 300 points.
6. Note the Bowler on Your Right
Is it your turn to bowl? Many recreational bowlers don’t know this, but it’s courtesy to wait to bowl until the person in the lane to your right is done with their frame. Trying to throw your ball at the same time as someone else can be pretty distracting.
7. Be Ready
Playing with a group? If you’re heading to the bathroom or the concession stand, make sure you time it so that you’re back in time for your next frame. This isn’t just courteous to your own friends but also people waiting for an open lane on busy nights.
8. Wear the Right Shoes
Bowling alley floors are expensive and require a lot of work. That’s why you’re required to wear bowling shoes. It might skeeve you out a little, but c’mon, we’ve all done grosser things. Besides, refusing to wear bowling shoes can do damage to the bowling alley’s floors, so you could be asked to leave if you don’t follow the rules.
Bowling Terms
Every sport has its own lingo, and bowling is no exception — there are a ton of words people use when you get into professional bowling. For instance, during a night out bowling with friends, you probably won’t be talking a lot about the “action” or how your ball spun. But if you hit the alley on league night, you’ll probably hear these bowling terms tossed around.
- Arrows: The little triangles on the floor help you figure out where best to align yourself when throwing your ball.
- Back End: The far end of the lane, down by the pins.
- Bagger: A series of strikes.
- Ball Return: The fancy machine that brings your ball back to you after each throw.
- Chop: When you go for a spare and only knock down one pin while leaving the other next to it still standing.
- Clean Game: When there are no “open frames,” and all frames were spares or strikes.
- Foul Line: The line marking your approaching area versus the playing area.
- Open Frame: A frame where you don’t knock down all the pins (so you don’t get either a strike or spare).
- Spare: To knock down all remaining pins during your second throw.
- Strike: To knock down all pins on the first throw.
- Split: The gap between pins after you’ve knocked some over.
- Turkey: Three strikes in a row.
Dude, it’s a lot; we know. Your best bet if you’re just getting back into the swing of things? Read through these rules, grab a ball that feels the most comfortable, lace up those rented shoes, and wait for the memories to come rushing back to you. We promise they will.