Happy birthday, bitch!
Ten years ago last Saturday, January 20th, 2008, a little TV show starring the goofy dad from “Malcolm in the Middle” and some kid who once got alarmingly excited to be called to play on “The Price Is Right” premiered on a channel that was mostly known for playing The Fugitive a lot.
Six years later, it was known as Heisenberg’s house, and TV was never the same. The cast of one of the most-impressively conceived and successfully plotted TV shows of all time took to Twitter to celebrate the show that changed their lives.
Aaron Paul, aka the aforementioned game show contestant, aka Jesse Pinkman, was the first to tweet, sharing a happy birthday message and a hilarious “Breaking Bad in One Minute” video from AMC’s Spanish station:
But his cast mate, Walter White himself, Bryan Cranston, wasn’t far behind, copping Paul’s character’s erstwhile catchphrase in the process.
Yo Bitch! I stole your line, Aaron. But you can "Say my name!" Just thinking about the 6 magical years on BB with our great cast and crew. I miss you all, even those Heisenberg had to kill. Vince, you're a genius and a wonderful human being. Thank you for the ride of our lives! https://t.co/SOWarnwH7X
— Bryan Cranston (@BryanCranston) January 20, 2018
Cranston also noticed that the government shutdown landed on the same day as BB’s anniversary, and didn’t put it past his diabolical alter ego:
The government shutdown today comes on the 10th anniversary of the premiere of Breaking Bad, Jan 20, 2008. Coincidence? Or could Heisenberg have something to do with it? Hmmm? Here’s some BB iconography https://t.co/UmVYX67rsR
— Bryan Cranston (@BryanCranston) January 20, 2018
Walter White’s rival, Gus, currently having a revival of his own on the fantastic “Better Call Saul,” chimed in to get in a dig at the government, suggesting Heisenberg had gotten his hooks into them:
@BryanCranston I think they’re all on the blue stuff. If not they should be. Then maybe they’d be on the same page. Let’s cook! https://t.co/fDl7EfGjie
— Giancarlo Esposito (@quiethandfilms) January 20, 2018
Not everyone on the show was on the wrong side of the law, Dean Norris, who played White’s blindsided, home-brewing, #BlueLivesMatter brother-in-law Hank, sent a tweet of his own to celebrate the show.
@BryanCranston I think they’re all on the blue stuff. If not they should be. Then maybe they’d be on the same page. Let’s cook! https://t.co/fDl7EfGjie
— Giancarlo Esposito (@quiethandfilms) January 20, 2018
Norris followed that up by calling out several of his costars with tweets, including a hilarious tweet featuring a particularly memorable day on set with Aaron Paul:
Miss ya @aaronpaul_8 #BreakingBad pic.twitter.com/5OabtgL04X
— Dean Norris (@deanjnorris) January 20, 2018
Also chming in on their show’s birthday was Norris’ TV wife, Betsy Brandt, and his partner, Stephen M. Quezada, who both showed their appreciation for both their costar and the show that gave them their most famous roles.
I was just about to text you “meet me in the kitchen with a box of wine”. 😘 I love the story that we told, and I love you. 💜 https://t.co/lQstfYONkd
— Betsy Brandt (@betsy_brandt) January 21, 2018
My brother @deanjnorris is the kindest and talented man I know! Blessed to be by your side on this awesome ride called Breaking Bad! Much love.
— Steven M Quezada (@StevenMQuezada) January 21, 2018
Finally, AMC UK’s twitter account shared a fun video wishing Breaking Bad a happy birthday using clips from the show.
We're celebrating @BreakingBad_AMC's 10th anniversary with a singalong! Happy Birthday, #BreakingBad! 😎🎉 #BrBa10 pic.twitter.com/mizQostnev
— AMC UK (@AMCtvUK) January 20, 2018
FYI, Breaking Bad is on Netflix as we speak, and the 10th anniversary is the perfect excuse for a binge rewatch.