Becoming a parent changes you. No matter the gender. But, there’s something about welcoming a baby of the opposite gender that deeply and possibly magically transforms you. No matter how hard you try not to bend under the overwhelming emotions of parenthood, you soon find yourself nothing but a weepy willow. The most princess-y of moms suddenly know the names of all the dinosaurs and start talking about building a mud-play area in their perfectly manicured gardens. And for dads of little girls, well, you’re in for it.
Let’s face it: The moment that little girl was born, your heart belonged to her. Real “girl dads” know what we’re talking about. You’ll wear the tiara and sit through tea parties and manicures if that’s what your little lovebug is into. You won’t even blink in embarrassment when you roll into work rocking pink paint stains on your skin after painting her dollhouse. Whatever she wants: You’ll give her.
Here she is: Three minutes Earthside, three years old, a true third-grader, or a straight-up mom-to-be 30-year-old and she’s still your princess, still your baby girl. Are you crying yet, Dad? No? Well… these father-daughter songs will do the trick.
There are roughly a million songs in the world that talk about the love and bond between a dad and daughter, and fair warning, these songs will gut you. They are also guaranteed to make you cry just like she did when she was colicky at three weeks old. Grab your handkerchief, Pops, and let the waterworks flow.
1. The Avett Brothers — “A Father’s First Spring”
It’s okay if you don’t know who The Avett Brothers are… they’ve flown under the radar for more than a decade. There’s a southern twang in their voices and, yes, that’s a banjo. But, this isn’t country. It is, however, one of the single best father-daughter songs ever written.
2. Lee Brice — “I Don’t Dance”
This jam is fairly new and just overwhelmingly sweet. It captures everything we mentioned about slowly turning into a girl dad and having absolutely no regrets
3. Loudon Wainwright III — “Daughter”
If you’ve seen “Knocked Up,” you’ve heard this song before. We love the pride and love that fills this simple little ditty. Yeah, her mama is going to teach her so much. But, what will you teach your daughter?
4. John Mayer — “Daughters”
Love him. Hate him. It doesn’t matter. This tune smacked everyone straight across the face in the early 2000s. Dads loved it. Daughters loved it. Moms loved it. Sure, it’s a little bit about dad’s messing up. But, we all do that sometimes, right? This is your reminder to try, again.
5. Gary Allan — “Tough Little Boys”
We dare you to make it through this video without sobbing like a baby. You just can’t do it. While the video is a tearjerker, the song stands on its own and speaks to the changes we face when we welcome baby girls into our lives.
6. Kenny Chesney — “There Goes My Life”
Leave it to Kenny, right? This song starts with teen pregnancy and ends with an empty nest. If your girl is still little, Kenny will do a great job preparing you for the future, too. Just get ready to hand over your heart and smile proudly.
7. Bruce Springsteen — “When You Need Me”
We already knew The Boss could write some bops. But, did you know The Boss could make you cry? This is Springsteen at his most tender. And, no, we didn’t really know “tender” was something he did, either. But, we love it.
8. Amos Lee — “Sweet Pea”
Can you listen to this song and not immediately start calling your daughter, “Sweet Pea?” We couldn’t manage.
More Father-Daughter Songs
If the above list was a little too obscure for you, no worries. Below you can find another list of solid and well-loved songs about being girl-dads. There’s not a single one of these we don’t absolutely adore. But, just like the songs above, we’ll only listen to them alone.
9. Tim Mcgraw — “My Little Girl”
10. Paul Simon — “Father And Daughter”
11. Jason Blaine — “Dance With My Daughter”
12. Steven Curtis Chapman — “Cinderella”
13. Zac Brown Band — “I’ll Be Your Man”
14. Bob Carlisle — “Butterfly Kisses”
15. Heartland — “I Loved Her First”
16. Chuck Wicks — “Stealing Cinderella”
17. Darius Rucker — “It Won’t Be Like This For Long”
18. Rascal Flatts — “My Wish”