For those who don’t know, “Pinch-Punch” is a little game traditionally played on the first day of every month.
While it’s uncertain exactly where the phrase “pinch and punch on the first of the month” originated (some believe it has to do with witches while others claim it comes from George Washington’s visits to Native American tribes), it’s common for folks to compete with family and friends in being the first to say it to one another.
One such game between actor/writer Bridie Connell and her father, Brin, has been going on for 15 years and has become downright vicious.
On Twitter, she explained their unique style of the competition as well as their most recent game, appropriately, on May 1st:
Right. So my dad and I are both very competitive/stubborn. We have been locked in a battle of “pinch and a punch, first day of the month” for years. 15 years, to be exact. Neither of us remember how it started.
— Bridie Connell (@BridieKConnell) May 1, 2019
Each month, we each try to be the first to say “pinch and a punch, first day of the month, no returns.” You can do this however you like: in person, in a letter, in a song.
— Bridie Connell (@BridieKConnell) May 1, 2019
With so many options, it’s no surprise that the duo has come up with some pretty unique methods to strike.
Most months it’s pretty low key, but every so often one of us ups the ante. When I was 14, I was pulled out of school and sent to the principal’s office. I thought I was in trouble. I arrived to find my dad waiting, ready to deliver the blow. “Pinch and a punch!”
— Bridie Connell (@BridieKConnell) May 1, 2019
(My principal was very confused; apparently dad had set up the appointment to talk about my grades).
— Bridie Connell (@BridieKConnell) May 1, 2019
Once, I organised musicians to serenade him. He’s pranked me on live radio. I’ve got a tour guide to say the magic words in the middle of a holiday tour. He’s used my friends against me. It’s happened in a live poetry reading. It’s happened at a funeral. It ruins New Year’s Eve.
— Bridie Connell (@BridieKConnell) May 1, 2019
Dad and I think it’s funny. My mum and brother think it’s “immature”, “not even a real game” and that it “keeps ruining family holidays.”
— Bridie Connell (@BridieKConnell) May 1, 2019
The competition gets so heated, in fact, that they occasionally need judges to ascertain who was victorious for that given month.
There are a series of rules to do with time zones (we live in different countries). There is a yearly tally. There is a jury made up of my aunties for when we can’t figure out who has won that particular month.
— Bridie Connell (@BridieKConnell) May 1, 2019
Which brings us to this month: May 1, 2019. Considering the virality of Bridie’s post, you know it’s one to remember.
Today is the 1st of May. First of the month!I’m flying home to NZ for my cousin’s birthday. It was an early flight – too early to call dad before I took off. “It’ll have to wait,” I thought as I settled into my seat.
— Bridie Connell (@BridieKConnell) May 1, 2019
@FlyAirNZ Air NZ, my favourite airline. Got moved to a seat with more legroom. Premium economy, winning! Free chocolate. Hooray! … And then.
— Bridie Connell (@BridieKConnell) May 1, 2019
And then a staff member comes over to my seat.
“Are you Bridie?”
“I’m Beau. Nice to meet you.”
Omg it’s finally happening, the moment I have been dreaming of for years. I’m going to be UPGRADED, baby!!
“I have a special delivery for you, Bridie.”— Bridie Connell (@BridieKConnell) May 1, 2019
Oh. Is this how they let me know I’ve absolutely definitely been upgraded?
— Bridie Connell (@BridieKConnell) May 1, 2019
And then. . . the kill shot.
Beau hands me a letter. I open it.
I silently scream. It’s not an upgrade. Beau grins and shakes my hand. Hands me his card.
“And just remember you can’t call your dad, phones have to be in flight mode from … now.”— Bridie Connell (@BridieKConnell) May 1, 2019
I have to hand it to my dad, and to Air Nz. And Beau, the most hilarious and lovely man.
I am SO annoyed but also SO impressed. And the worst part is tonight I’ll have to sit through a family dinner with everyone telling and retelling this story and dad being all smug.— Bridie Connell (@BridieKConnell) May 1, 2019
I’ve just spent three hours on a flight plotting my revenge (on dad and Beau). Submissions welcome.
— Bridie Connell (@BridieKConnell) May 1, 2019
— Bridie Connell (@BridieKConnell) May 1, 2019
There’s something so beautiful about a dad who is willing to prank his beloved child so hard, he enlists an entire flight crew to join his cause.
Thankfully, Air New Zealand understood just how savage the attack would be and premeditatively planned to provide Bridie with a comfortable place to plot her revenge.
UPDATE: turns out the upgrade to premium economy was from @FlyAirNZ who felt ever so slightly guilty for helping papa prank me ???? I’m blessed
— Bridie Connell (@BridieKConnell) May 1, 2019