Remember before you had kids or a partner and Halloween was easy? Dudes get by with all-black and a Scream mask or something simple like a priest’s robes. Once a partner or kids are involved, everything becomes more complicated. A “cute” couple’s costume? A family costume? Last year, you were sucked into being one of those idiot dogs from Paw Patrol. But, not this year, buddy! If you’re going to do a family costume, it needs to be epic.
But, what constitutes “epic?” Some might argue that just getting your entire family to decide on and go through with a group costume is an epic feat in itself. Others, though, will tell you that it’s only epic if it’s truly scary or unique or unseen or required a year of planning. Maybe you’re part of a dad crew dressing up as the Marvel characters? For the sake of our sanity, we’ve defined “epic” as “memorable.” What you’ll find here is a mix of costumes (mostly for the entire family) that are, without a doubt, worth remembering. Some are all store-bought and the epic part is getting all 4 to 6 humans to agree to wear them. Others took skill or imagination. In all instances, though, these costumes and the people that are wearing them are clearly really flippin’ rad.
Family Costumes
1. Eight Family Members, One Theme
If you imagined a Harry Potter-themed family costume, where would your mind go? Chances are that you wouldn’t consider Hedwig or Professor Trelawney. This family, though, not only went the extra mile to pick some more unique characters (at least for the adults), they also did a fantastic job of going easy on the kids. You know nothing too elaborate ever works on a five-year-old.
2. Guardians Of The Good & Plenty
Dad’s costume looks fairly easy — all you really need to invest in is the mask and a maroon coat. That Groot costume took work, though. And we’re guessing mom had a little help going green.
3. Mother Of Dragons (and Dad)
Fancy yourself a Khal Drogo? (No judgment here, man.) Think your lady is the ultimate Daenerys? Got a few loud kids who love to “rawr?” This Game of Thrones costume is probably right up your alley. And you know your kids will be cool being dragons. So, no arguments!
4. Viking Family
First and foremost, if you can grow a beard, you can do better. This might be the equivalent of the “sexy pumpkin” costume. But, you get the idea. Rock the beard, get a little grungy, and throw some fur on your shoulders. Suddenly you and your shieldmaiden will be the hottest couple on the block. (And anyone who has seen Vikings will be wondering what it’s like in your bedroom.)
5. Catch ‘Em All
Alright, Nerd Boy. This costume is for you. Dress your munchkin as a Pikachu. If your partner has a baby bump, turn that thing into a Pokeball. You are, of course, the trainer. Easy? Yes. We guarantee people will talk about it, though.
6. Embrace Your Inner Freak
Not, like Korn’s “Freak on a Leash” kind of freak. More like the “bearded lady” and “world’s strongest man” kind of freak. The key to making this costume work as a family is staying within the same color scheme.
7. Jurassic Park
Another easy but memorable option is a Jurassic Park costume. Wear your best safari clothes and turn that baby into a dinosaur. Bonus points if you turn their wagon or stroller into a shipping crate.
8. Mighty Morphin Power Couple
If you don’t have much time for making costumes but want to kick things up a bit from last year’s Paw Patrol fiasco, we suggest Power Rangers. No one will forget a boldly colored family walking around their neighborhood and everyone will appreciate the effort put into getting the entire family on board. Believe it or not: It’s actually surprisingly easy to find Power Ranger costumes in all sizes. (So, yeah. Your mom lied to you when you were a kid.)
9. Not Your Circus, Probably Your Monkeys
The key to this costume is all about decorating your kids’ wagon… and getting them to agree to be circus animals. These baby elephants are super cute, but monkey costumes would make this infinitely funnier. When it comes to family costumes, though, you take what you can get.
10. Creepy Kids
What could be harder to pull off than getting your family to recreate multiple characters from a movie or show? Try getting your entire family on-board for all dressing the exact same. The IT clown and Joker are truly terrifying. Our guess, though, is that these kiddos probably haven’t seen the films. As long as you’re excited, Pops, your kids will be, too.
11. You’re Batman… or Riddler
Just like the circus cage wagon, the key to this epic costume is the work done on the stroller. Baby Batman is adorable, but his Batmobile is downright awesome. Riddler and Cat Woman work. However, there are so many characters from the Batman series that your options are nearly limitless.
A Couple Extra Epic Costume Ideas
Want to take control of Halloween this year but know a family costume won’t fly? We love these options, too.
12. Baby Golden Girl
Bonus points if your baby’s name is actually Sofia.
13. Epic Alien
You’ve seen this, right? You’re going to need to learn to crochet, though…
14. World’s Cutest Mummy
Start early.
15. Ghostbusters Mobile
This requires a Jeep… and commitment. Asking your partner to marry you? Hard to do. Deciding to (possibly permanently) deck out your Jeep into a ghostbusting vehicle? Easy choice. Just do it.
16. Epic Notorious RBG
What’s more epic than a toddler dressed as the Notorious RBG yelling “I dissent” up and down the neighborhood? Yeah, nothing. Try these out for babies and older kids.
17. The Tiger King Cast
Hey, all you cool cats and kittens! If you’re looking for family Halloween costumes you can customize pretty much any way you want, well, you found ’em. The kookier, the better.
18. Wreck-It Ralph and Friends
Someone in the family gets to run around all night yelling, “I’m gonna wreck it!” Better go ahead and call a family meeting now to fight over who gets the honor.
19. The Wet Bandits vs. the McCallister Kids
Is there an award for random internet family with the best Halloween costumes? Because we’d be tempted to give it to these guys. The attention to detail here — The iron burn! The Pepsi can! — is killer.
20. Inspired By the New Mulan
Your kids have probably made you watch Disney’s new live-action Mulan at least five times by now, so you’re familiar with the characters, right? Here’s what’s even better: Not only do these costumes actually look really comfortable, but you’ll also get to carry a sword. So, #winning.
21. Wakandians
Not only is this a nod to one of the most popular superhero movies ever (Black Panther, obviously), but it’s also a great tribute to a truly epic actor: Chadwick Boseman.