Oh, you like the Rock? You’re not alone. Here at The Dad, we’re big fans of Dwayne Johnson. Things we share: “The” at the front of our names, being girl dads, loving wrestling, and the ability to pop an eyebrow raise as an intimidation tactic. Okay, fine, ours isn’t as good as the Rock’s. Okay, FINE, last time I raised my eyebrow at my kid, they weren’t sure what was going on and asked if I just hurt my back.
Anywho, let’s brush up on some Rock trivia together so we won’t be caught slipping at the next dad function. Then when someone asks you, “Did you know the Rock is a Canadian citizen?” you can raise your eyebrow in a Rock-like fashion as if to say, “Did I know the Rock was a Canadian citizen? I basically invented The Rock being a Canadian citizen.” Whatever that means.
1. He’s a Canadian citizen.
Wait, did we mention this one already? So basically our guy Dwayne Johnson was born in the U.S. — yes, okay, true — but did you know his dad was born in Canada? Apparently, Canada changed its citizenship laws in 2009 and was basically like, okay, the Rock, you can be one of us now. Word has it that language is written directly into the legislation. (It isn’t.)
2. Wrestling runs in his family.

Damn, that’s tight, all that runs in my family are varicose veins and receding hairlines.
The older dad generation will remember Rocky Johnson, Dwayne’s dad, and maybe even Peter Maivia, Dwayne’s gramps. Both wrestled for WWF, making the Rock the first third-generation wrestler in WWF history. Will there be a first fourth-generation wrestler in the family? Read on and find out.
The Rock recently paid homage to Papa Rock on Instagram in a touching tribute.
3. His classmates thought he was an undercover cop.
At 15 he’d sprouted a full mustache and had already shot up to his full 6’4”, so his high school classmates took one look at his size and were like, I’m not falling for that sh*t, that’s a grown-ass man. “No way this guy hasn’t done basic training at Quantico,” they said probably.
The Rock said that because of that, he had no friends (relatable to me, personally!). I think we can all learn a lesson from this: make friends with the giant loner in high school in case he becomes super cool and famous or you will regret it later.
4. He was arrested a lot as a teen.
Im belly laughing …..😂
LOVE this.
One had a full mustache and was getting arrested multiple times, while the other had a respectable job as everyone’s favorite grocery boy at the local market…love ya man!! https://t.co/LqeIqLs6XW— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) February 11, 2021
In this case, “a lot” = 9. Dang, that’s 9 more times than I’ve been arrested.
Dwayne grew up in Hawaii and things weren’t always breezy. When his family got evicted from their small apartment, he found ways to make some quick cash. Turns out those ways weren’t always legal. (For instance, partaking in a theft ring that targeted tourists.)
Later, the Rock would say that it was a formative experience and that he realized the only way to take control of his life was to take control of his body: “The successful men I knew of – Stallone, Arnold, Bruce Willis – they were men of action.”
5. He has a degree in criminology.

Remember when Dwayne played defensive lineman for the Miami Hurricanes? Turns out, at the same time, he was getting a Bachelor of General Studies in criminology and physiology. Btw, if you’re wondering about his collegiate athlete career, there’s not much to tell — he started only one game in four years.
6. He holds two world records.

In 2015, the Rock broke the record for most selfies taken by taking 105 selfies in a span of 3 minutes, all with his fans on the red carpet of the premier for San Andreas. (Is anyone else like, that doesn’t sound like a lot of selfies? The record has been broken multiple times since.)
And yes, I did eat a real scorpion in The Mummy Returns. That's how Team Bring It rolls. #TasteLikeChicken
— Dwayne Johnson (@TheRock) July 31, 2011
For another, less pointless record, the Rock earned a Guinness World Record for highest-paid actor in their first leading role when he signed on for the mummy franchise spin-off The Scorpion King. He was paid $5.5 million dollars and the movie was a flop, but hey, $5.5 million dollars! I’ll do a flop for that; let my agent know.
7. He was in Star Trek: Voyager.

That’s right, Trekkies, throw it back to season 6, episode 15 to catch the Pendari fighting champion’s famous line: “You’re no bigger than a Tarkanian field mouse.” Damn, unnamed Pendari champion, get his ass.
In very Dwayne “the Rock” Johnson fashion, he did his own stunts, even though everyone else was like, “Nah, I’ll take the double, thanks.”
8. His manager is his ex-wife.

After 10 years of marriage, the Rock and then-wife Dany Garcia decided to get divorced in 2007, just like my parents. Unlike my parents, the Rock and Dany were like, hey, we work well together, why not start a production company? That’s how 7 Bucks Productions was born.
Dany later remarried to a guy named Dave Rienzi, who worked as the Rock’s strength and conditioning coach, because why not? The Rock’s a likable guy, and we’re all just one big family.
9. He eats 7 meals a day.
The Rock eats what a dietician might call a metric shit-ton of food every single day (roughly ~1 lb). And the dude loves cod, which puts his cod stats up to more than 800 lbs of cod per year. The Rock is out here eating food like it’s his career, which if I’m being honest, is my dream career.
P.S. Want to eat like the Rock? Try his boozy ice cream.
10. His Fast and Furious role was originally written for Tommy Lee Jones.

I’m rock raising my eyebrow at this, and not approvingly. I can’t really imagine anyone else as FBI Agent Luke Hobbs. Tommy Lee Jones? More like Schmommy Schmee Schmones, get the hell out of here. The Rock belongs in the Fast family, and that’s that on that.
11. He has a minister’s license.
Don’t tell the chubby 12-year-old tomboy version of me who was obsessed with WWE and RAW growing up that the Rock is a potential officiant for her marriage to John Cena or she will lose her damn mind.
The rumors are true, the Rock has a minister’s license in the state of California. Hey, I live in California. John Cena has a house in California. The gang’s all here, let’s get this thing rolling.
12. He coined the term “smackdown.”

The Rock first used the term in 1997 and it only took 10 years for Webster’s dictionary to get wise. Webster calls it “the act of knocking down or bringing down an opponent; a contest in entertainment wrestling; a decisive defeat; a confrontation between rivals or competitors.”
Don’t step to the Rock or he’ll hit you with that “I’m about to lay a confrontation between rivals or competitors upon you.”
13. He was briefly a pro footballer.

The Rock played in the Canadian Football League for roughly 2 seconds as a defensive lineman for the Calgary Stampeders. He was cut from the team after the first season and was like, damn, even the CFL doesn’t want me? Those were his famous last football words (not really) just before deciding to train full-time as a professional wrestler.
P.S. Remember when his college football rookie card was sold for $45,000? Dang, that’s hella cheddar.
14. He’s all about that activism.
And is just like, all around a good dude.
I mean, where do we begin? The Rock buys his friend a brand new car? He sends an encouraging birthday message to a young fan? He teamed up with John Krasinski to help one dad give his kids a great Christmas?
But it goes deeper than the one-off acts of kindness: in 2006, he founded the Dwayne Johnson Rock Foundation, a charity for at-risk and terminally ill children; he’s also partnered with the Make a Wish Foundation in the past. He and ex-wife Dany Garcia donated $1 million to the University of Miami for renovation to its football facilities. He’s stood in solidarity with Hawaiian elders during protests. He’s donated to hurricane relief efforts, lost dog GoFundMe efforts, and everything in between.
15. He’s a girl dad.
Three times over. With a daughter from his first marriage and two from his second, The Rock has reach coveted Thrice A Girl Dad status. Nice.
The Rock is involved as heck: in the small stuff, like styling his daughters’ hair, and in the big stuff, like mentoring his first daughter Simone as she steps into the world of WWE wrestling. Can you smell what the Rock is cooking in my heart? I love a good girl dad.
You heard right — Simone started training at the WWE Performance Center in February of 2020, making her the first fourth-generation wrestler in history. On May 16, she announced that she had signed a contract with WWE. Hell yeah, Simone, I’m stoked for you.
A bonus fact before you go: new show based on The Rock’s life just dropped. It’s called “Young Rock” and we’re all about it. Now that you’ve brushed up on these Rockies (what we’re affectionately calling Rock-related facts), you can point at the screen and say, “Hey, I knew that.” Chalk it up to being up to speed on your Dad Facts.
These crazy facts are a part of our dad trivia series, where we drop some pop-culture science you can impress your dad pals with at the next BBQ.
Check out our previous edition where we featured crazy Facts You Don’t Know About Robin Williams.