Looking for a fun new way to bond with the fam? Experts say that families who eat together are often more bonded. That bond can lead to not just better mental and emotional health, but better grades, too. Of course, it’s hard to get your kids to sit down at the table with you sometimes. Between baseball practice, homework, and screen time, there’s so much competing for your kids’ attention. If you want to get them around the table without all the whining, the key is to make it fun and spend that 20 to 60 minutes focusing on eating and chatting.
The best way to get your kids engaged: Ask them questions. You can make it a game or simply ask questions for the sake of hearing answers. If you have older kids, you could even try the Instagram/TikTok-inspired family superlatives game so many families and celebs have made videos of. We pulled together a list of both sets of questions. Hopefully, you’ll soon find dinnertime is filled with laughter.
Questions To Get Kids Talking
1. What do you think is mom/dad/sibling’s favorite food?
2. If you were making dinner, what would you make? Whose dinner sounds best?
3. Can you guess the ingredients in tonight’s dinner?
4. What’s your favorite thing to do alone?
5. What do you like to do when we hang out together?
6. If you found a genie and had three wishes, what would they be?
7. What would you do if you found $100 on the sidewalk?
8. What is something that really bothers you about: school, our family, our house, your friends, life?
9. What made you laugh today?
10. Would you change any decisions you made today?
11. If you could make one law for the entire world to follow, what would it be?
12. What is the best thing about your best friend?
Would You Rather Questions
13. Would you rather skydive or scuba dive?
14. Would you rather have one giant mansion or two normal homes in different places?
15. Would you rather have a cat or a dog when you’re a grown-up?
16. Would you rather live somewhere always warm or always cold?
17. Would you rather fight one horse-sized duck or ten duck-sized horses?
18. Would you rather give up steak or chicken?
19. Would you rather lose your sense of smell or your hearing?
20. Would you rather go to the movie theater or stay home and watch movies?
21. Would you rather go to Disney World or Universal?
22. Would you rather do without music, movies, or video games?
Family Superlatives
23. Who is mom’s favorite?
24. Who is dad’s favorite?
25. Who is the funniest?
26. Who borrows the most money?
27. Who gets into the most trouble?
28. Who gets away with the most trouble?
29. Who has read the most books?
30. Who’s the more lenient parent?
31. Who’s the best cook?
32. Who has the biggest potty mouth?
33. Who is the messiest in the house?
34. Who makes the most noise in the morning?
35. Who makes the best breakfast?
36. Who has the best jokes to tell?
Creative Family Questions
37. If you could be any character from TV, movies, or books, who would you be and why?
38. What would you do if you could be invisible for a day?
39. If you had the ability to time travel, where would you go?
40. If you could have dinner with anyone from history, who would it be?
41. What three questions would you ask your pet if you could?
42. What’s your favorite smell?
43. If you had to leave earth, who would you take in your spaceship?
44. What songs would be on the soundtrack of your life?
45. If you created another day of the week, what would you name it?
46. If your stuffed animals could talk, what would they say?
47. How do you feel when I hug you?
48. If you drew everything that came to your head, what would you be drawing right now?
49. What do you think you’re going to dream about tonight?
50. What animal would make a good driver?
51. What made you smile today?
52. What bugs you?
53. What makes you awesome?
54. What makes your friends awesome?
55. What is your favorite movie?
56. What is your favorite book?
57. What’s your favorite joke?
58. What is your favorite day of the week?
59. If you could eat one thing every day for the rest of your life, what would it be?
60. Do you want to be famous?
61. Would you rather play inside or outside?