Ever catch yourself wondering how your grandpa pulled that coin out of your ear? Or how your fifth grade best friend got those rings to separate? Magic tricks stick with you, especially if you saw them as a child. Now that you’re the magical, mysterious grown-up, it’s officially your chance to mystify the kids in your life.
Here’s the thing about magic: Magicians don’t like to give away their secrets. If you step into a magic shop, the salesperson will likely repeat the same thing over and over again, “We’re not selling you the trick, we’re selling you what you need to do the trick.” Meaning, in order to know how to do most of the magic stuff out there, you’re going to need to buy-in. All is not lost, though. We managed to find some solid info on the internet to help us show you how to whip up some magic in your life. And, if it goes well, we’ve included stuff to buy to expand your repertoire of tricks. According to the Magic Masterclass, there are ten kinds of magic, so we’ve labeled things accordingly. Hope that helps!
Production Tricks
Making something appear “out of thin air.”
1. Pluck A Coin From Thin Air
You’ve seen this trick done. But, can you do it yourself?
2. Pull A Card Out Of Nowhere
Make your audience gasp by this single-card production trick and pull a card out of thin air.
3. Flower-Filled Wallet
Turn an “ordinary” wallet into a bouquet of flowers with this awesome trick.
Vanishing Tricks
Making something disappear.
4. Disappearing Coin
That coin pulled out of an ear? Make it disappear with simple sleight of hand.
5. Vanishing Toothpick
You got this. Just follow along with this super simple video and you’ll wow everyone.
6. Disappearing Pencil
Wanna wow your kids with their new school supplies? The disappearing pencil trick is relatively simple and a ton of fun.
7. Blooming and Disappearing Flower
You’ve seen the blooming and vanishing silk flower in a million birthday party magic shows. Why not invest in your own?
Transformation Tricks
Turning something into something else. (Like a rat into a goblet.)
8. The Bending Spoon
Is it possible that this is the oldest trick in the book? Uh… probably not. But, it’s pretty old school and super popular with little kids.
9. Transforming a Marker/Pen into a Magic Wand
This is showy and fun — Magic at it’s finest.
Restoration Tricks
Destroying an object, then repairing it.
10. Magic Can Restore/Repair
Wanna blow the mind of your kiddos and/or drunk friends? Refill a can. This video uses a beer can, but it’ll work with any can.
Transportation Tricks
Making an object appear to move from one spot to another.
11. The Sugar Cube and the Magic Number
All you need are a friend, a sugar cube, a pencil and a glass of warm water to make your friend’s lucky number “magically” move from the sugar cube to the palm of your hand.
12. Moving A Pencil With Your Mind
Really all you need for this is a very light pen or pencil and the ability to expel air without making a face like you’re blowing out candles.
Similar to transportation tricks, except you making multiple items move.
13. Linking Paper clips
All you need for this trick is two paper clips and a piece of paper — a dollar bill works best.
14. Coin Pyramid
Okay, okay. Once you show this trick to someone a time or two, they’ll figure out that it’s actually super easy to do on their own and isn’t actually magic at all. They’ll certainly feel like it is the first time they watch. Little kids, especially, will be in disbelief.
15. Parting The Pepper
Before you start the trick, privately put some soap on your finger. Sprinkle some black pepper into a glass of water and have your friend stick their finger into the water. Nothing will happen. When you put your finger into the water, the soap will cause the pepper to scatter and separate from your finger.
Escape Tricks
Escape tricks are the ones everyone wants to do and not many people can figure out. There’s usually an air of danger or a sense of urgency involved.
16-18. Houdini’s Top 3 Escape Tricks
YouTuber Nadjib Haffaf broke down three of Houdini’s most popular escape tricks here. These might be a little too involved for the average dad. However, we wanted to include them so we didn’t leave anything out.
Levitation Tricks
Making the magician or something/someone appear to float.
19. The Magnetic Pencil
Make a pencil appear to float behind your hand.
20. Levitating Card
You’ll need to do a bit of prep work for this trick, but it’s sure to blow minds.
21. Making Yourself Float
There are multiple ways to do this and some of them require a bit of production. However, this might be the coolest thing you can learn.
22. Rising Card
Different from the last moving card trick, but still great. Noticing a theme yet? Owning a deck of cards helps.
23. Levitating Matchstick
The key to this trick? The match bends when it burns, but to tiny brains or at a quick glance, it will look like the matchstick is “levitating.”
Penetration Tricks
Making solid objects pass through one another — like those metal rings
24. Walking Through Paper
This is less magic and more of a bit of a tease. With a series of snips, a single 8×11 sheet of paper becomes a loop of paper big enough for you to walk through.
25. Cup Through The Table
You’ll need to be fast with this one. With a little practice, though, you can fool anyone.
26. Pen Through A Dollar Bill Magic Trick
27. Linking Rings
Really want to get in on those quality magic tricks? This set of eight linking rings is a go-to for most magicians.
28. Spring & Ring
This super cheap little gadget is small enough to keep in your pocket and whip out at a moment’s notice.
29-32. Mind Blown Magic Illusion’s 4 Easy Penetration Tricks
MBMI offers tons of novice-friendly magic trick secrets on the YouTube channel. This video walks you through four different ways to practice penetration magic with everyday items you can find around your home or workspace.
33. The “Sucker” Card Trick
The deck is stacked against the audience for this trick… and we mean that almost literally.
LINK: https://www.thesprucecrafts.com/magic-card-trick-for-young-kids-2266283#step1
34. Guess My Age
This boils down to basic math and most adults will be able to know that and can assist you. The kids in our life, though, will lose their dang minds. Here’s how it goes:
Ask an adult punch in their age on a calculator while hiding the screen from everyone else.
Ask them to multiply the age by 2.
Next add 1.
Multiply by 5.
Multiply by 10.
Ask the adult to write the answer down.
Ignore the last two digits of the number they wrote down and whatever’s left is their age.