If you’re anything like me, your kids are getting a lot of screen time these days. The quarantine has us all scrambling to keep our kids occupied so they don’t drive us crazy, and binge-watching is a pretty good way to kill some time. Even better may be video games, because at least that way kids can practice some problem-solving, hand-eye coordination, and, thanks to today’s technology, even play along and interact with their friends.
Of course, video games still have a stigma, especially among parents who worry their children are melting the brains and taking part in violent activities, even if it’s all virtual.
One mom has a teenage son who is addicted to video games all quarantine, but whatever concerns she may have had about his constant gaming, a recent story she shared on Twitter has made her feel a lot better about it.
An Argument In Favor of Video Games
/threadMy 15 yo son has spent every second of his free time during this pandemic hanging out online, playing video games with his friends. He started by ranking up to the elite tiers of #ApexLegends. 1/12#Quaranteens #platinum4
— Tiffany Pitts (@snickerpants) May 3, 2020
She explained that her son and his friends have been competing in various games, and recently decided to take up Fortnite again.
2 nights ago they made a plan to meet up as a big group on #fortnight. None of them really play Fortnight much anymore because the crowd is a little younger. But they didn’t want to work too hard at playing, they just wanted to hang out. 4/12#Quaranteens
— Tiffany Pitts (@snickerpants) May 3, 2020
While they were playing, Tiffany’s son and their friends met another player.
Last night, six of them met up again to hang out and play #fortnight. They were goofing off, doing stupid teenager stuff, when they met a solo player named JamMaster. 5/12#Quaranteens
— Tiffany Pitts (@snickerpants) May 3, 2020
They made friends, even though Jam Master was much younger. And then they learned his birthday was coming up. Soon.
Pretty soon they discovered that their first impressions were correct. JamMaster WAS much younger than they were – only 10 years old. They also discovered that it was his birthday in the morning. 7/12#Quaranteens #BirthdayInQuarantine
— Tiffany Pitts (@snickerpants) May 3, 2020
His birthday was the next day, and he’d been playing Fornite all by himself the night before.
The boys realized that JamMaster had been hanging out by himself all night, on the eve of his 11th birthday- which he would be spending by himself in quarantine.
8/12#BirthdayInQuarantine— Tiffany Pitts (@snickerpants) May 3, 2020
That didn’t sit right with the teens, so they decided to do something about it.
They took him on a bunch of adventures, gave him all the loot they could, helped him win a few battles, and made his stay up until midnight so they could all sing happy birthday to him. 9/12#BirthdayInQuarantine
— Tiffany Pitts (@snickerpants) May 3, 2020
The next day, Tiffany’s son regaled his mom with his Fortnite exploits. Usually hearing someone recount their video game adventures makes your eyes gloss over, but this story made Tiffany’s eyes well up with tears.
This morning, as my son told me about their adventures, I started to cry. I was trying to say something like “Oh that’s so nice” but tears just started spilling down my cheeks. He could not understand why.
10/12— Tiffany Pitts (@snickerpants) May 3, 2020
Mom was super proud of the kindness her son and his friends showed that new 11-year-old.
Can you imagine the disappointment of being quarantined for your 11th birthday only to be met by a random six-pack of teenage gamers who decide you’re awesome and want to throw you a birthday party? 11/12#surpriseparty #BirthdayInQuarantine
— Tiffany Pitts (@snickerpants) May 3, 2020
Needless to say, she’s now a huge video game fan.
What a roller coaster. What an experience. What an incredible thing to do for a young gamer.
In conclusion: video games, hell yeah. 12/12#thekidsarealright #WTFparenting
— Tiffany Pitts (@snickerpants) May 3, 2020