Kids generally don’t realize just how hilarious they are. Even when they’re intentionally trying to make you laugh, it’s often not even the joke itself that makes us completely lose it. Maybe it’s the energy with which they deliver a joke that makes no actual sense or the fact that they can’t contain their absolute glee when sharing a joke that we’ve heard no fewer than 3,000 times over the years. One teacher from the UK shared a knee-slapping thread of jokes his year 1 students (kindergarten in the US) told him on Twitter and quickly went viral both due to the thorough analysis and him calling them out for their terrible jokes.
George Pointon’s thread has received hundreds of thousands of likes in the week since he posted it, in addition to thousands of comments from strangers around the world providing their own analysis of the young students’ jokes.
“I asked my Year 1 classes to tell me a joke; Here is my analysis. A THREAD,” Pointon begins.
I asked my Year 1 classes to tell me a joke;
Here is my analysis.
A THREAD— George Pointon (@GeorgePointon_) March 16, 2021
Alice kicked things off with a classic knee-slapper
Alice – “Why did the cow cross the road? – To go to the Mooovies”
Great timing. Great Engery. It also got a big laugh from the class. She is still raw as a comic but certainly showing a lot of promise. 8/10
— George Pointon (@GeorgePointon_) March 16, 2021
Katie brought us back to Earth with some classic plagiarism
Katie – “Why did the cow cross the road? – Mooovies”
Wanted a slice of Alice’s pie. Copied her completely but with less conviction. No style or character. Even got the punchline wrong. Cluster fuckall round but I appreciate the attempt. 2/10
— George Pointon (@GeorgePointon_) March 16, 2021
Jack’s 5/10 seems a bit generous, it was a crap joke
Jack – “What did the toilet say? – Poo”
Poo joke. Too easy. The class erupted in a fit of laughter however I found it cheap , lazy and crass. He’ll probably end up enjoying Mrs Brown’s Boys. Bang average. 5/10
— George Pointon (@GeorgePointon_) March 16, 2021
Frankie, buddy, we had such high hopes for you
Frankie – “Where did the poo poo go? – in the bum”
And so begins the onslaught of fecal matter based gags. This one got less of a laugh but still a solid ripple. Frankie’s confident approach is what sold it for me however still a poo joke. 4/10
— George Pointon (@GeorgePointon_) March 16, 2021
Emma coming in strong, reminding us of the power of ‘the quiet kid’
Emma – “…………I don’t know any”
In normal circumstances I would have given her a 0/10 and boo’d her off the stage. However Emma is extremely shy and just standing in front of the class is a massive step for her. 8/10.
— George Pointon (@GeorgePointon_) March 16, 2021
Mikey tried to nail a classic callback but pulled a Bill and Ted and went so far back that we seem to have entered an alternate reality
Mikey – “What did the Cow say to the road? – He had a cow and then the farmer didn’t even know what to do”
What a fucking shit show from Mikey. No laughs. No real punchline. He walked up with a grin the size of the Cheshire cat, thinking he was Johnny Big Spuds. Trainwreck. 1/10
— George Pointon (@GeorgePointon_) March 16, 2021
We can fully picture this delivery, and it’s *chef’s kiss*
Ravi – “Why did the skeleton not go to the party? Because he had noBODY to go with”
Clearly a recycled gag from a parent or uncle. Didn’t matter to me. Confident style. He even had inflection in the word “BODY”. Kids an absolute class act. Look out for Ravi. 9/10
— George Pointon (@GeorgePointon_) March 16, 2021
Physical comedy is an art, Rosie is an artist
Rosie – “Fish…The fish….There was a fish”
Now listen up. The gag was awful. However it’s this style of Anti Humour she’s clearly working on because it was followed by a funny face that gained a large laugh from the class. Shes a maverick but not to everyone’s taste.
7.5/10— George Pointon (@GeorgePointon_) March 16, 2021
Abbott and Costello’s classic, “Who’s Up First?” Phenomenal
Toby and Wendy – “You say it” “No you Say it” “you” “No You”
Laurel and Hardy, Morcombe and Wise, Cannon and Bull, Reeves and Mortimer. Expect Toby and Wendy to be in that category soon. No joke, but the stage presence and comedic timing was second to none. Ace. 10/10.
— George Pointon (@GeorgePointon_) March 16, 2021
A little comedy, a little existential crisis
Ben – “What did the chicken not want to be? – A chicken nugget”
Factual. Thought provoking. Witty. Would be excellent on the pannel of ‘Have I got news for you’. Made us all think about the greed and overconsumption of mankind. We laughed but overrall we learnt. 8/10
— George Pointon (@GeorgePointon_) March 16, 2021
There’s always that comedian that takes a joke too far and ruins it for everyone – and with that, Susanna brings the thread to a close
Susanna – “Why did the girl not eat the biscuit? – because it had poo on it”
And just like that were back to low brow smut. Susanna is better than this and she knows it. However it was met with big laughter. Perhaps she read the room after Ben’s gag. Goodnight Vienna. 6.5/10.
— George Pointon (@GeorgePointon_) March 16, 2021
Did Alice’s classic bit take the cake? Were you a bigger fan of Rosie’s “you had to be there” bit? There can only be one king or queen of comedy in this bunch of 5-ish-year-olds, or maybe every single one of them is the master of their own style. Either way, we had a great time. Make sure to tip your bus driver.